(The author with the Senior Prefects from St. George’s Independent School August 17, 2015)(Below is my welcome back to school Chapel Talk from St. George’s Independent School in Memphis, Tennessee on August 17, 2015. The school has over over 1100 students JK-12 on three campuses. I delivered the talk that follows to students, families, faculty, and […]
Through the Balustrade–Opening of School Year Faculty Homily
Good morning!For as long as I can remember Communion has fascinated me. I think it all goes back to when I was about three and a half years old.When I was very young, we were members of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church way out River Road in Richmond, Virginia. Though it has become a large church […]
Won’t You Be, Please Won’t You Be The Helper: A Cum Laude Induction Talk
Good Evening!It is a pleasure to welcome parents, family, and friends to the Cum Laude Induction Ceremony. And most importantly, it is a pleasure to welcome our honorees, accomplished members of our senior class—congratulations to each of you! The praise we offer you this evening is well-deserved. The challenges you have faced that led you […]
Favorite Museum….The Bardo–Tunis, Tunisia
Just now seeing the breaking news that the Bardo Museum has been part of a terrorist attack. So much has changed in Tunisia since our visit in 2010. Today we will send prayers for the victims, for this incredible museum, and for Tunisia.
Good Storytelling: John Maeda’s Visit to Atlanta
As I head to Boston tomorrow for the NAIS Annual Conference, I am looking forward to hearing John Maeda again. I am re-posting this three year old blog entry as his book, REDESIGNING LEADERSHIP: DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY, BUSINESS, LIFE remains relevant in my thinking about school leadership. Maeda will be speaking at the Opening Session of […]
The Tenebrism of the Soul Sifted to the Surface in Four Ballads
[In the fall of 2013 I led two parts of a five Sunday Sunday School sequence at All Saints Episcopal Church in Atlanta. The theme of the talks was “Twilight: Our Complicated Relationship with Darkness.” The talks were a precursor to a visit from Barbara Brown Taylor who was about to have her book, Learning to Walk in the Dark hit the […]