The Head’s Letter is a monthly newsletter largely for heads of independent schools. Published by Educational Directions Incorporated, it focuses on topics of particular importance to school leaders. They were nice enough to ask me to write the piece I copied below as the cover of their December edition.The topic I discuss in The Head’s […]
The SGIS Three Campus Model: Sustainable Approach to Critical Work
The St. George’s Independent School (SGIS) organizational model is unique, and often in my tenure as Head of School, I have been asked by colleagues around the country about how all the moving parts work together. With that in mind, I think writing the clearest description of the model I can might be helpful to those who seek to challenge the status quo of how independent schools align (or don’t) with the best ambitions of their cities/areas, as well as with like-minded philanthropic resources and community partners.
St. Paul’s Thanksgiving Message: A Chapel Reflection on Humility
[I gave the following talk in our 6 – 12 Chapel service this morning] Happy Thanksgiving!The excerpt from Chapter Twelve of Paul’s epistle to the Romans, today’s scripture, is just as much a message to us as it was to the members of the early church in Rome. Sent to us almost two thousand years […]
Election Day and Civility Stress
At the end of this post I have included an excerpt from my email to faculty and staff today, as well as a “Prayer for Civil Debate”, which I wrote for an assembly in which students debated key issues during the 2012 Presidential Campaign. While relevant then, the prayer almost seems quaint now given the extreme […]
St. George’s Bunkhouse Opens! A Video and Two Talks from the #SGBunkhouse Celebration
The bold vision of St. George’s Independent School, and the St. George’s Bunkhouse, calls us to think of our neighbors far more broadly to include not only our school, but our city, our county, our state, our nation, and our world.
Your Education: About You, Not About You
When Manny Ohonme of Samaritan’s Feet spoke to our group Friday, he celebrated our school’s diversity and our privilege to be a part of the SGIS community. He reminded us of just how rare it is in the world to have some of the things we may at times take for granted–friends, families, education, food, shelter, and…yes, shoes.