In a recent post, “Creating a Progress Culture One Pilot at a Time,” I identified four reasons to support piloting ideas and programs in schools. In this post I will expand on the third of those ideas: “Supporting pilots encourages experimentation and mitigates the damage that may occur when a new idea falls short. If […]
Pilots: Getting More of What is Good in Schools
In a recent post, “Creating a Progress Culture One Pilot at a Time,” I identified four reasons to support piloting ideas and programs in schools. In this post I will expand on the second of those ideas: “Supporting pilots creates opportunities to extend what is already good in the school culture or curriculum. The lion’s […]
Pilots: Pointing Toward the Progress We Want to See in School
In a recent post, “Creating a Progress Culture One Pilot at a Time,” I identified four reasons to support piloting ideas and programs in schools. In this post I will expand on the first of those ideas: “Supporting pilots points toward the progress we want to see in the school. Piloting an idea foreshadows the direction […]
Creating a Progress Culture One Pilot at a Time
Consider the “Turning the Ocean Liner” metaphor to describe school change. I have described and have heard many people describe changing a school to be like trying to turn the QE2: “it might turn,” we say, “but it will not turn quickly.” My issue with this metaphor is that it implies that everything has to […]
Police Beat « Bionic Teaching
Police Beat « Bionic Teaching. An intriguing writing assignment…
How Summer Camp Should Inform School
Over the next couple of months, they will open up the musty storage sheds where they stacked the mattresses in mid-August. They will pull the canoes out to count and inspect even though the weather is not yet warm enough to spend much time on the lake before mid-morning. They will walk the docks with […]