Eating barbecue during a heat wave makes sense. Pulled pork sandwiches somehow taste even better when you are already sweaty, perhaps even smelling of wood smoke. This apparently means we should eat a lot of barbecue over the course of the extended forecast (in brief…hot, followed by hotter, followed by Christmas). So the timing was […]
Finding My Line
[googlemaps,-79.42115&spn=0.08218,0.163422&t=h&z=13&output=embed&w=425&h=350]–From Concourse As to EsAnd from moving sidewalksTo gray carpeted walkwaysTo clickclickclick rolling suitcasesOver tiled routesThrough security andThrough revolving doors,I have been finding my line,And I have been walking a long way throughOne inexhaustible place, a discipline of malaise,-Full of exhaustible people dressedLike people who have forgotten where they used to live:-One more drinkers, […]