[Last month I wrote four pieces on Resilience for the Sprinkle-Caldwell Resilience Initiative Executive Writers Series. Watson Jordan who heads Sprinkle-Calwell was kind enough to allow me to repost them here. I have decided to post all four in one place–it is definitely long as blog posts go, but as they fit together, I think […]
Stretching the Rubber Band in a Progress Culture
When my daughter was seven, they were on the knobs to the medicine cabinet, poised to make the nose dive into the toilet if my hand knocked them on the way to the aspirin…on the coffee table peeking out from under the magazines and books…on the floor under the couch…in the corner of the kitchen […]
What Should Never Change In a Progress Culture
There is so much dialogue–so much necessary dialogue–about what should change in education that we can lose sight of the other half of the equation: what should never change. My purpose in this post is not to create the specific list of the things that should not change–that task is in the purview of each […]
Joining AAL: The Academy for Advancing Leadership
I have joined The Academy for Advancing Leadership (AAL) as a Senior Consultant. I believe I have much to offer schools, colleges, universities, non-profits, and businesses engaging in change processes.
Comforting Traditions and Stifling Bad Habits
Several years ago, I wrote a piece–“Differentiating Traditions and Bad Habits”–in which I argued that bad habits often masquerade as traditions (I have cut and pasted it below). I refer to this idea often in order to illustrate the need to spend time discriminating between these two forces that drive and govern so much that we […]
Heroes and the Imagination: A New Moonshot
My fascination was endless. And it obviously wasn’t just me…naming Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong as heroes was cultural glue for the United States at exactly the moment when we needed it most—it had been a rough decade to say the least.