I am always reminded in my monthly meetings with our parents organization leadership (PAWS) that strong partnership between school and parents is essential to the success of an ambitious strategic plan. These parent representatives have been working extremely hard with their respective grade activities, and today we met to both debrief the opening of the year so far and look a bit down the road to what is next. It is a really strong group, and I left I was thinking about all the things that are possible when a solid partnership exists between parent leadership and school leadership.Prerequisite to that partnership is strong communication, and while we clearly have growth still to accomplish in this area, it was nice yesterday to sense that the key strategic priorities of the school are now not only familiar to them but more importantly relevant to them in our discussions about what is going to be happening next in the High School.Having this group of parents become knowledgeable about not only what is happening but why it is happening in the context of the strategic plan is an asset to parent communication to say the least. In truth, they field difficult questions from members of our parent community all the time, and as they become more knowledgeable, as they become part of the conversation, and as they have opportunities to ask their own difficult questions, they are better and better positioned to help us tell the compelling story to others regardingwhat we plan to accomplish over the coming years.
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