If we want to prepare students to be community leaders with qualities such as humility, decisiveness, passion, vision, and empathy, what should schools do to place their work developing those skills in greater relief? If successful leaders need skills such as the ability to take an unpopular stand, mobilize support for a shared goal, and remain undeterred by setbacks, what do schools need to do to develop those abilities in students?
First thoughts:
- Help students learn about the larger community in which they live.
- Balance opportunities for students to serve, study, learn and contribute in their own communities with similar opportunities in environments that are different than their own.
- Engage students in learning that connects them to real-world issues.
- Identify areas in the curriculum where connections to real-world issues already exist implicitly and make those connections more explicit.
- Put students in the position to apply their intellectual abilities to discover issues facing their local community (or the world community).
- Put students in the position of finding and proposing solutions to those issues.
- Give students demanding and ongoing experiences working in groups facing complex tasks.
- Hold students accountable for their ability to express a cohesive, articulate, and knowledgeable viewpoint to a group of people.
I just had lunch with a colleague from another school, and our conversation circled this topic and how we might be able to push our respective schools toward better and better work in this area. The last National Association of Independent Schools Conference focused on public purpose in private education, and I have struggled ever since with how to envision what a big step forward might look like. That said, I believe we need to be bold in this area—our students need to know the central issues facing the communities in which they live (beyond the narrow confines of their own particular zip code), and they need to learn the skills that will allow them to exert their voices in the conversations about those issues.
I am excited to participate in the conversation about this topic at my school that long pre-dates my arrival. I have no doubt our commitment to this area of our work will continue to play a part in how we envision our priorities going forward.
This is what Adams and Gough are doing in the Synergy 8 class. Does the Senior Project course taught by C Small do some of this?
@Sam…Absolutely right for Synergy and for C Smalls research course…each has components relevant to this conversation. Other schools have much to teach us in this area as well.