Last week I finally gave my blog a name–Ross All Over The Map. Since starting it almost two months ago I have simply called it Ross’ Blog in part because giving it a real name might obligate me to keep it up for the long term and in part because I could not think of a title I liked. To be frank I am uncertain I will stick to this title; however, I picked it because my interests are indeed “all over the map,” and my family and I have a desire to continue to travel–quite literally to go “all over the map.”My wife’s scholarship, writing, and teaching has taken us on some wonderful adventures “all over the map.” We had a great chance to travel abroad to North Africa for several weeks during the summer of 2010, and it was amazing the extent to which my daughter Eleanor’s experience defined the meaning of the trip for Katie and me. Eleanor has had some amazing birthday locations—Cambridge, England when she turned two and three, Vogogna, Italy when she turned six, and Tunis, Tunisia when she turned seven. On the North African trip, her ability to rise to new challenges awed us—in Egypt, she even rode a camel with me around the pyramids! The way she expressed excitement and joy made the trip extraordinary. She is so awake and forever ready for what is next before she even has a clue about what exactly is coming next. Her questions are endless—she goes to sleep asking them and when she wakes up she picks up where she left off. I want her to be this engaged forever. I want her to be challenged like this forever. And I want the same thing for the adults and students at the school where I work.
So “Ross All Over The Map” it is…until it becomes something else.
A good, honest title. Full of integrity and you. Well said and well done.
Ross, your enthusiasm and clarity of your own gifts is amazingly refreshing and inspiring…oh yeah, on your “gifts” please don't forget your mastery of the hackysack! You always showed me your brilliance within the circle in front of Tuckaway dorm!
Thanks Bo and CB.
CB great to hear from you here…would be better to see you and catch-up sometime.
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I revisited this one this morning after someone asked me about the genesis of the title of this blog–ROSS ALL OVER THE MAP. I find that I am still aligned with the thinking here though I must admit that as I reread it, it felt new all over again.
Nice one, Ross; thanks for reblogging it! Though I really don’t know you too well, because I’d retired by the time you arrived at The Big W, I figured out early on why you adopted the name for the blog that you did. So, obviously it’s an accurate reflection of your approach to life and, thus, a “keeper.” A suggestion: If you haven’t already done so, you might put at least a brief version of this post on your “About” page. It has all the ingredients to lure the curious to explore your blog!George
Thanks, George–great advice that I will take…
…and done…