Morgan Steep (Photograph by Stephen Alvarez, used with permission)This light will guide you… | Sewanee: The University of the South.This link above is to a film compiled from various timelapses, and it came today with an Annual Fund ask from Sewanee, my alma mater. I love this sort of photography. The care and precision required to create time lapse photography is remarkable, and to have this particular example is particularly meaningful given its subject.The creator of the piece is Stephen Alvarez, a classmate of mine from Sewanee. I mentioned him before on this blog way back in August 2011 in a post entitled, “A Way of Seeing: Learning to Make Photographs.”There is great power in this form of media to impact the way we see the world around us. Please take a look–you may also link it here .[vimeo w=400&h=225]<p><a href=”″>The Light</a> from <a href=””>Stephen Alvarez</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>
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